As i'm sure you all know the run up to Christmas leaves little spare time, especially when you are the hosts which we are this year.
However we have still found time for a little fun, some of which was sorting out Auntie Carol's christmas present.
Auntie Carol is not really my auntie but a close long standing friend of my mums who has always been Auntie.
She is in her 70's but is still pretty fit and healthy, in fact its only recently she has started getting decorators in, its not too long ago you would phone to find she was up a ladder painting!
She was a seamstress by trade and is the person we go to for anything sewing related, she makes all my curtains and does all alterations required and she does all this and makes you a coffee and has a chat too.
Chris and Auntie Carol get on like a house on fire, last christmas my mum bought her a freeview box on the understanding we would go and set it up for her which we did.
Over the year we have had maybe 7 or 8 phone calls asking us to go and correct something as she has lost a channel or something has gone wrong.
She is always really apologetic for disturbing us and never seems to understand that we really dont mind!
Anyway as i was saying they get along really well, they flirt with each other shamelessly and i have even been in the room when she has flashed her knickers at him!
So we decided as a stocking filler we would make her a calender....
We bought a "Perfect Guy" calender and then stuck Chris's face on all the pics lol
Here are a couple, how funny is this!

Whoa! That's one scary calendar. You could have put a warning at the start of the post for those of us of a nervous disposition.
does he not bear a passing resemblance to pete doherty?
merry crimbo, twinkle toes!
oh what an awesome pressie- i think she'll love it- she sounds like one firecracker of a woman!!!
Happy new year!!
Geographical details duly noted and corrected.
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