Monday 22 March 2010

Not a good week....

Last week was not good.

Poor Imogen came down with a gastro bug on the Friday night before, poor little mite couldn’t keep anything down and was running a temperature.

A visit to the emergency doctors on Sunday confirmed I was going to have to take the week off work to look after her.

Thankfully she did get steadily better as the week went on, finally eating properly by the following Friday and culminating in a typical toddler who has been stuck in the house all week tantrum, I’m sure you’ve all been there…

Also on the Friday she developed the bug my SIL decided enough was enough and she just couldn’t manage three kids, cant say I blame her and it is a bit of a relief that I now wont have to return the favour when I’m on maternity and be stuck with four kids but we could definitely do without the extra expense of more childcare.

And just too really stick the boot in (we actually thought this was gonna be our year, who were we kidding???) on Wednesday I was informed my job was at risk of redundancy. I had already planned to look for something closer to home after the baby is born but really can’t afford to lose the maternity package I will currently receive. Keep your fingers crossed for me guys that I manage to hang on till then!


AngelConradie said...

I am glad she's better, but I'm sorry about the other drama.

petoskystone said...

sorry to hear of the illness! all of the toddlers & adults came down w/the bug here, just like a row of dominos. the 2yrold boy took 2 1/2 weeks to throw off the 'runs'. my dtr. went to apply for shortterm disability (for her maternity leave), & then 3 days later a round of firings included her. no $ for her maternity leave! place is downsizing & doesn't want to pay severence, so are firing as many as possible. she's found another job, but it will pay much less hourly. better than nothing, i suppose...hope you can hold onto the job long enough...